Monday, April 29, 2019

For my art video piece, I decided to create something about nature and the environment. In my Spanish class, we recently just finished learning about Spanish poetry and making our own poetry. I wrote this poem myself in Spanish and made a video about it. It has to do with how we need to start appreciating the beauty in what is around us in nature and how we need to do more to protect it. The environment is something that I am passionate about which is why I thought this would be a good topic. This project kind of reminded me about Laurie Anderson and how she had this one piece of work that was called language is a virus. It reminded me of how powerful words and language can be and I tried to make that a big topic in my video. The link to the video is above because the file was too large to fit here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Performance Video

For my performance piece, I decided to reenact the elevator game. This phenomena originated in Southern Asia and it says that if you go into an elevator and then press a certain order of floors, then you will end up in an alternate universe identical to ours except you are alone and there is a red background. After pressing the specific order of floors, I ended up in the alternate universe at the end of the video. The file size was too large to post into this blog, so I had to put it up on Youtube. Click or copy/paste the link below to access the video.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Xerox Project

For my project, I created a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. The body is the palm of my hand and its legs are my fingers. It then is depicted turning into a butterfly which is my hands as the wings, and fingers as the body. Below are pictures of the project.